Koodara-Yogam Procedures


Koodara-Yogam is a parish-level gathering of parishioners for prayer, discussion, and socialization. It is a forum for parishioners to come together to better themselves and their parish, with the participation of the parish priest.


  • Koodara-Yogam helps to organize the parish at the area level by getting as many parishioners involved as possible.
  • It is a community outreach program of the parish where priests and sisters can meet with parishioners in small groups to pray, discuss, and socialize.
  • It will give parishioners the opportunity to clarify any concerns they have about the church or parish activities.
  • It will help to discuss current issues and develop new action plans for the parish.


  • Half an hour of prayer for adults in Malayalam and for children in English using approved prayer book.
  • Awareness presentations and discussions on topics like Church, Liturgy, Community, Youth, and Social issues.
  • Koodara-yogam level support to parish activities like parish day, feast procession arrangement, adoration, collection, entertainments, communication network, Christmas Carol, and Bible Quiz Competition.
  • Selection of representatives to parish council and to various pious associations and ministries of the parish as area coordinators.


  • With the initiative or approval of the vicar, boundaries of Koodara-Yogams will be decided considering the residence of parishioners.
  • Parish level coordinators will help the parish priest in organizing Koodara-Yogams and coordinating their activities at parish level.
  • Each Koodara-Yogam will select a coordinator, secretary, treasurer and children-prayer coordinator as office bearers.
  • Representatives shall be selected for parish council, pious associations like St. Vincent de Paul Society, Legion of Mary, and ministries for different ages, and various other bodies of the parish like prayer group, and agape (social service).
  • If the food arrangement for the Koodara-Yogam is with potluck, a food coordinator shall also be selected.
  • The term of office bearers will be one year.
  • Each Koodara Yogam will select a patron saint and the Koodara Yogam will be known by that saint’s name.
  • A portable statue of the patron saint will be bought.


  • The coordinator will make sure that Koodara-Yogams are held regularly, like once a month or at least once in two months, or as decided by the vicar.
  • The hosting family will fix a date and time for Koodara-Yogam that is convenient for the vicar.
  • The coordinator and the hosting family will invite all the member families of the Koodara Yogams for the upcoming Koodara Yogam.
  • If the potluck system is followed for food, the food coordinator will assign families for their food item to bring.
  • The children coordinator will invite all the children and youth for the Koodara-Yogam.
  • The coordinator and hosting family shall make sure that the Koodara-Yogam prayer books and statue of the patron saint are brought to the house of the upcoming gathering on time.
  • The hosting family will setup separate rooms for adult gathering and children gathering with Holy Bible, Candle, statue or picture of patron saint, and enough chairs.


  • Koodara-Yogam will start with a half-hour prayer separate for adults in Malayalam and for children and youth in English.
  • Priest, sister, or the coordinator will lead the prayer. Sister or youth coordinator will lead the prayers for children and youth.
  • Lady of the family will do the first reading during prayer service.
  • After the prayers, a combined meeting of all, including children and youth, will be held.
  • The head of the hosting family will welcome all to the gathering.
  • Secretary will present the report of the previous meeting.
  • Treasurer will present any account updates.
  • Vicar will make any update from the parish.
  • The coordinator will mark the attendance of families present and introduce any topic related to the Koodara-Yogam.
  • Presentation of any topic related to church, community, children’s formation, or social issues will be presented by the person assigned to that followed by discussion.
  • Celebration of birthday, wedding anniversary, and achievements of the Koodara-Yogam members.
    Entertainments, if any children are present.
  • Any of the member families will host the next meeting and take the prayer books and statue of the patron saint to their house for the next gathering.
  • Thanks by the coordinator of the Koodara-Yogam.
  • Food blessing and agape meal.


  • Only approved prayer books shall be used for Koodara-Yogams.
  • Koodara-Yogams shall buy enough prayer books for the active participation of all.
  • If food is provided by the host family, the food shall be simple and affordable for all member families.
  • Alcohol shall not be provided during Koodara-Yogam gathering.
  • Children and youth shall have enough involvement and participation.
  • Pastor / Vicar: Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal
  • 1-310-709-5111 | tmulavan@gmail.com
  • Trustee Coordinator: Thomas Neduvampuzha
  • 630-854-9517
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